Oswego High School marching band to don new uniforms Friday for first home football game of season

Oswego High School Panther Marching Band member Hannah Rowold likes the fact that she will get to wear a brand new band uniform when playing Sept. 1 at the school’s first home football game of the season.

Oswego High School Panther Marching Band member Hannah Rowold likes the fact that she will get to wear a brand new band uniform when performing Sept. 1 at the school’s first home football game of the season.

“I think they’re very cool looking, very sleek,” said Rowold, who plays the alto saxophone and is a sophomore at Oswego High School. “I like everything about them, to be honest.”

Rowold has been a member of the band since she was a freshman. This is the first time the band has had new uniforms in 18 years.

“I think they’re very cool looking, very sleek.”

—  Oswego High School Panther Marching Band member Hannah Rowold

For Rowold, being a member of the band brings her a lot of pride and joy.

“You see all the people cheering in the stands,” Rowold said. “It’s so joyful to see them.”

The Oswego High School Band Boosters raised enough money to pay for 135 new uniforms. The band’s previous uniforms were worn out and unable to be repaired.

“We raised enough money so everybody could have new uniforms this year instead of waiting,” said Marge Griest.

Griest and her husband, Steve, are co-presidents of the OHS Band Booster Board.

“It was our goal when we became presidents last year to get new marching band uniforms for the band,” she said.

The new uniforms sport a more modern design as well as the school’s colors, which are orange and blue.

“It helps our band be competitive when they go to competitions by having an updated look,” Griest said.

Raising the money was a true community effort, with various fundraisers taking place.

“We had parents come forward that were willing to host their own individual fundraisers,” she said. “We had a parent who did a bakery auction for the whole first half of the year once a week. She would offer two items every week and she donated all that money to the band. We had a mom who made infinity scarves and she donated a portion of that to the band. We had a popcorn fundraiser that was run a parent. And then we had another parent who owns a video gaming truck and he donated a whole party on the gaming truck for us to raffle off.”

None of the money came from the school district.

“We thank everyone who participated and all the families for helping us reach our goal,” she said.

Oswego High School Associate Band Director Kevin Schoenbach is appreciative of the efforts of the OHS Band Boosters.

“Our boosters were very proactive and forward thinking,” he said.