Plano Methodists host softball game

Plano Methodist Church members and friends  participated in a softball game at Go For It Sports Dome. Pictured, front row from left, are Sera, Nick, Gregory and Jack; back row from left, Char, Nicole, Steve, Dee Dee, Chloe, Shawn, Greg, Jordyn, Jim, Dan and Angie.

Plano Methodist Church members and friends enjoyed an outing Oct. 14 at Go For It Sports Dome in Yorkville. The group played a 6-inning softball game with lots of runs, great plays and cheering. The final score was 17-13.

The group enjoyed a potluck supper after the game. The event was hosted by the Fellowship Committee from the Plano Methodist Church, which includes Jordyn Corbin, Arlene Gould, Kathy Martinez and Linda Oleson.