Editor’s Note: This is part 2 of the annual Kendall County 4-H Achievement Night news. Part 1 was printed in the Dec. 14 issue and can be found here.
Each year, Kendall County 4-H members earn scholarships and awards for their project work, leadership and community service through the local and state 4-H programs. Recipients were honored at the annual 4-H Achievement Night celebration Nov. 17 at Plano High School.
“We are so grateful to our communities and sponsors who support and recognize the efforts of these 4-H members,” Kendall County 4-H Program Coordinator Tina Anderson said. “We are proud of how our Kendall County youth use their heads, hearts, hands and health to learn, grow, lead and serve.”
The 2023 scholarship and award honorees included:
- Jolie Johnson of Kendall County Country Kids 4-H Club received the Sylvia Gabel-Pletcher Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $1,250, which is sponsored by Pat Norr and Terry Gabel. Johnson also was honored with the Wayne Konicek Memorial Scholarship of $500 from the Kendall County 4-H Livestock Auction Committee.
- Michaela Persico of Rockin’ KCs 4-H Club earned the Rebhorn Memorial Scholarship of $500, sponsored by the Rebhorn Family. She also received the Marilyn and Herman Hanouw Memorial Scholarship of $500 from the Kendall County 4-H Foundation.
- Madisyn Glenn of Stagecoach Trailblazers received Marbry Gabel Home Economics Award of $100 from Gary and Mardel Robinson, and the Nelson Memorial Agricultural Award of $50 from the Kendall County 4-H Foundation. She also received the Clothing Award from the Kendall County Association for Home and Community Education and the “I Dare You” Book Award from the Kendall County 4-H Foundation.
- Nathanael Vickery of Stagecoach Trailblazers earned the A. Stephen Paydon Leadership Award of $100, which is sponsored by Diane Becker, Martha Pranga, Anita Drinkall and Linda Muehling.
- Natalie Nelson of Boots, Blue Jeans, and Bows 4-H Club received the Knutson Memorial Livestock Award, which includes a plaque and $100, sponsored by the Jerry Knutson Family.
- Annie Ralston of Denim and Dust 4-H Club received the Crops and Soils Award and $50 from the Kendall-Grundy Farm Bureau, and also earned the Horse Award and $50, sponsored by the Renegades, Rebels and Rogues 4-H Club.
- Bailey Brummel of The Dream Catchers 4-H Club received the Beef Award of $50 and a plaque from the Kendall-Grundy Beef Association.
- Therese Krysciak of Millbrook Mighty Ones earned the The McEachern/Biffi Intercultural Award, a plaque and $50, sponsored by Joan McEachern.
- Adelle Vickery of Stagecoach Trailblazers earned the Doser Family Memorial Award, which includes a plaque and $50.
- Maddie Wietting of Denim and Dust 4-H Club received the Rushton Memorial Citizenship Award, sponsored by Ruth Satorius.
- Nate Swenson of Lisbon Town and Country 4-H Club was named Treasurer of the Year and received $50 from Heartland Bank and Trust.
- Elin Brummel of The Dream Catchers 4-H Club earned the Secretary of the Year Award, which is a pen and pencil set from Kendall County 4-H Foundation.
- Mitchell Schobert of The Dream Catchers received the Monkemeyer Memorial First Year Achievement Award honor and a 4-H scrapbook.
Experience Awards
Illinois 4-H challenges youth to try new things, experiment in project areas they may enjoy and explore opportunities around the state and country. At the end of each 4-H year, members may apply for Experience Level Recognition by documenting their club, county, multi-county, state and national experiences and accomplishments in the four dimensions: participation, community service, leadership and project learning. For the 2022-23 4-H year, Kendall County 4-H members earned gold, silver or bronze status, or submitted to the state office for emerald or diamond status.
· Emerald Award – Leadership: Sofie Heidrich of Oswego and Abi Munar of Plano.
· Emerald Award – Community Service: Annie Ralston of Yorkville.
· Gold Award: Bailey Brummel of Sandwich, Faustina Krysciak and Therese Krysciak of Yorkville, Marcella Schultz of Plano, Kiley Tchebotarev of Plano, Adelle Vickery and Nathanael Vickery of Bristol, Brooklyn Wallin of Newark and Kailey Wietting and Maddie Wietting of Joliet.
· Silver Award: Elin Brummel of Sandwich, Finnegan Casbarian of Yorkville, Hart Efurd of Newark, Madisyn Glenn of Oswego, Abby Hohmann and Molly Hohmann of Sheridan, Mitchell Schobert of Yorkville, Allison Wallin and Lane Wallin of Newark and Brady Wietting of Joliet.
· Bronze Award: Zoey Burscheid of Sandwich, Ben Heckert and Claire Heckert of Oswego and Zoie Wisniewski of Plano.
Project Records and Other Recognition
Project Pins: Elijah Baldwin – woodworking; Bailey Brummel – poultry; Elin Brummel – sheep and clothing; Hart Efurd – beef; Madisyn Glenn – horticulture and intercultural; Anna Green – floriculture, foods, horse, interior design, rabbits, visual arts and animal science for beef, dairy and dog; Abby Hohmann – visual arts/food decorating; Molly Hohmann – sheep; Faustina Krysciak – goats, horticulture and poultry; Therese Krysciak – visual arts/food decorating and scrapbooking; Mitchell Schobert – beef and swine; and Kiley Tchebotarev – rabbits.
Project Records (already have earned pins in previous years or may be working toward a pin): Adelaide Baldwin, Leah Burscheid, Zoey Burscheid, Madisyn Glenn, Anna Green, Jenna Green, Faustina Krysciak, Therese Krysciak, Natalie Nelson, Adrianna Rodriguez, Sophia Rodriguez, Marcella Schultz, Lane Wallin and Zoie Wisniewski.
4-H/Cloverbud members receiving first-year pins (for 2020-2023): Barn and Beyond 4-H Club – Cece Rousar, Ezra Rousar, Sydney Henders, Kathryn Bolte, Ava Goodlet, Olivia Goodlet, Emma Auten, Sean Carbone, Vivian Brandt and Thomas Kwiatkowski; Boots, Blue Jeans and Bows – Ezekiel Blanchard and Tim Blanchard; Denim and Dust – Payton Barnes; Kendall County Country Kids – Chase Lohrey, Liam Hageman, Paisley Bleuer, Jedidiah Wheeler, Adelynn Landers and Olson Morel; La Menu Modelle – Avery Buddy; Little Rockets – Zoie Wisniewski; Millbrook Mighty Ones – Mackenna Steininger, Emma Edwards and Alexa Undesser; Outdoor Adventures – Andrew Diestelkamp, Titus Diestelkamp, Kaylee Watson, Preston Giamanco, Madeline Boudreau and Lucas Rodriguez; Renegades, Rebels and Rogues – Caitlin Caccitolo, Morgan Caccitolo, Claire Heckert, Monica Alexander, Rylee Alexander, Jacob Marchese, Laila Nesheim and Ryan Perreault; Rockin’ KCs – Dakota Neale, Easton Neale, Logan Neale, June Barr and Lucas Wacker; Spanglish – Kettil Biander, Finnegan Casbarian, Jacob Reeder and Dean Stewart; Stagecoach Trailblazers – Adelaide Baldwin; and The Dream Catchers – Mitchell Schobert and Lane Wallin.
2022-23 Junior Leaders/Superintendents: Barn and Beyond 4-H Club – Sofie Heidrich and Nathan Kwiatkowski; Boots, Blue Jeans and Bows – Brynn Ripsky; Denim and Dust – Annie Ralston; Kendall County Country Kids – Jaiden Mahler; La Menu Modelle – Ella Buddy, Annabelle Lovero, Matteo Lovero, Jay Ramirez; Lisbon Town and Country – Clair Anderson, Nate Swenson, Eli Swenson; Little Rockets – Leah Burscheid, Zoey Burscheid, Alexa Del Toro; Millbrook Mighty Ones – Faustina Krysciak, Therese Krysciak, Abi Munar, Morgan Rosenwinkel, Alexis Steininger; Renegades, Rebels and Rogues – Anna Green, Jenna Green, Katherine Marchese, Scarlett Parcels, Ava Perreault, Audrey McAssey; Spanglish – Angeleah Wyncoop; Stagecoach Trailblazers – Kerri Dickson, Rachel Dickson, Madisyn Glenn, Tommy Kaufman, Ania Nelson, Emmalyn Nelson, Sadie Grace Nelson, Kiley Tchebotarev, Nathanael Vickery; and The Dream Catchers – Bailey Brummel, Abby Hohmann and Brooklyn Wallin.
2022-23 4-H Teen Federation members: Alexa Del Toro, Sofie Heidrich, Tawney Kellogg, Abi Munar, Natalie Nelson, Annie Ralston and Nathanael Vickery.
2023 4-H Graduates: Dillon Black, Hailee Dannenberg, Sophia Borjon, Tommy Kaufman, Jenna Buss, Ania Nelson and Joey Ralston.
Club Recognition
4-H Club Excellence Award: Denim and Dust 4-H Club, Little Rockets, Millbrook Mighty Ones, Renegades, Rebels and Rogues, Stagecoach Trailblazers and The Dream Catchers.
4-H Club Progress Award: Boots, Blue Jeans and Bows 4-H Club, Denim and Dust 4-H Club, Little Rockets, Millbrook Mighty Ones, Renegades, Rebels and Rogues, Spanglish; Stagecoach Trailblazers and The Dream Catchers.
4-H Club International Activity Certificate: Boots, Blue Jeans and Bows 4-H Club, Kendall County Country Kids, La Menu Modelle, Little Rockets, Millbrook Mighty Ones, Renegades, Rebels and Rogues, Rockin’ KCs; Spanglish and Stagecoach Trailblazers.
University of Illinois Extension extends congratulations and thanks to our 4-H youth, volunteers and supporters. To learn more about 4-H in Kendall County, visit go.illinois.edu/info4Hdkk.