Yorkville High School seniors to hold public presentations next week

Yorkville High School sign

The public is invited to attend Yorkville High School seniors’ presentations of their English capstone projects at the Yorkville Public Library on Jan. 15-18.

Beginning at 4:30 each evening from Monday-Thursday next week, 26 YHS seniors will present their attempts to answer self-created essential questions they have explored in their English IV course in the library at 902 Game Farm Rd.

According to a recent news release from the school district, the senior projects are the culmination of a semester-long study of how speakers and writers use appeals and elements of voice to connect with audiences.

For the project, seniors were encouraged analyze through their own experiences, connections, and interests for meaningful topics to explore, to find an essential question. To answer this question, they conducted in-depth research and interviewed experts connected to the topic to develop their presentation.

The seniors presenting to the public are not required to do so. While most students present their findings to classmates and panelists, YHS has partnered with the Yorkville Public Library to allow interested seniors the choice to present to the general public.

Community members planning to attend are encouraged to support and celebrate students’ work. Attendees are encouraged to participate in interactive elements, but are asked to be aware of time constraints. Each presentation will range from 10-20 minutes.

The presentation schedule is as follows:

Monday, Jan. 15 4:30-6:30 p.m.

  • Corina Breck: Health and Academics in Blended Families
  • Charlie Albertson: Generational Pressure of Socioeconomic Success
  • Adrian Escobar: Overprescription of Medications
  • Parker Ross: Music and Media
  • Jennah Beckett: Factors in Mental Health
  • Alex Chorzempa: Stereotypes Affect Teens’ Mental Health

Tuesday, Jan. 16 4:30-6:30 p.m.

  • Yasmin Liggins: Bullying: Is it Getting Worse?
  • Rebekah Sanders: Illiteracy
  • Mya Arroyo: The Struggles of Public Speaking
  • Natalie Garcia: The Impact of Music
  • Logan Herrera: Coping with Stress
  • Alana Sanford: Psychology
  • Andra Graver: Occupational Therapy

Wednesday, Jan. 17 4:30-6:30 p.m.

  • Delilah Orozco: Workplace Discrimination
  • Lupeangel Vazquez Vargas: Police Officer Life/Mental Health
  • Giovanny Gonzalez: Construction Trade/Better Jobs
  • Amira Williams: Serial Killers: Nature or Nurture
  • Sarah Revak: Women in Aviation
  • Justice Cole: Relationships and Mental Health

Thursday, Jan. 18 4:30-7 p.m.

  • Kelsi Haff: Serial Killers: Violent versus White Collar Crimes
  • Kayden Corbeil: Addiction Treatment
  • Abby Broadway: History: Are we doomed to repeat it?
  • Bree Maury: Gender in STEM
  • Reese Koven: World War 2 and Our World Today
  • Devin Wilson: The Importance of Automotive Industry
  • Matthew Macek: Impact of Electric Cars on the Environment
  • Sam Schroeder: Climate Information and Climate Action

For more information contact Elizabeth Wheeler, English IV teacher at Yorkville High School, at ewheeler@y115.org or Jennette Weiss, Director of Youth Services at the Yorkville Public Library, at jweiss@yorkville.lib.il.us.