Pioneer Norwegian-American woman comes to life during presentation in Montgomery

Yorkville resident Barbara Johnson, left, and sister Connie Kross of Sandwich, pose with a display chronicling suburban Norwegian-American women. In period costume, Johnson portrayed Malene Andersdatter Slogvik (1804-1868), among Norwegians who settled near what is now Leland. Johnson's presentation highlighted the monthly meeting of Sons of Norway Polar Star Chapter 5-472 at St. Olaf Lutheran Church in Montgomery.

Malene Andersdatter Slogvik (1804-1868), a pioneer Norwegian-American who settled near present-day Leland, came to life at a recent Sons of Norway Polar Star Chapter 5-472 meeting.

In period costume, Barbara Johnson of Yorkville chronicled Slogvik’s life at the monthly Polar Star meeting at St. Olaf Lutheran Church in Montgomery.

Johnson, Polar Star culture director, was assisted by her husband, Ken Johnson, Polar Star president and Connie Kross of Sandwich, Barbara Johnson’s sister.

The event culminated Polar Star’s Festival of Women. During 2023, Polar Star cultural programming focused on Norwegian-American women. Members were encouraged to compile stories, photos, apparel and mementos of their Norwegian mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters or special friends. Johnson displayed a notebook of family histories that members contributed.

Polar Star Lodge 5-472 meets at 1:30 p.m. on the first Sunday of the month at St. Olaf Lutheran Church, 1233 Douglas Ave. in Montgomery. Prospective members are invited.

Founded in 1895, Sons of Norway (SON) is a nonprofit organization representing people of Norwegian heritage in the U.S. and Canada. The organization includes the promotion and preservation of the heritage and culture of Norway and other Nordic countries and to provide life insurance and other financial products to its members.

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