Yorkville Knights host free-throw contest in Plano

God’s Divine Mercy Council #14463 of the Knights of Columbus held its annual Free Throw Championship on Jan. 20 in Plano.

The Yorkville Knights of Columbus God’s Divine Mercy Council 14463 held its annual free throw championship on Jan. 20 at the gym at St. Mary School in Plano.

The day’s winners included: girls Olivia Madden in the age 10 group and McKenna Forsyth in the age 12 group; and boys John Schobert in the 10 year old group, Andrew Madden in the 12 year old group and Logan Olsen in the 13 year old group.

Winners are invited back to the District Competition on Saturday, Feb. 24, at St. Mary School’s gym, with registration starting at 1:30 p.m. The winners will progress to the Regional Competition set for Tuesday, March 5 at Benedictine University in Lisle, with registration beginning at 6 p.m.

The Knights of Columbus are proud to host this free event for all boys and girls ages 9 to 14.

For more information on the Knights and their events, visit kofcyorkville.org/.