Sandwich Lions Club seeking Citizenship Award nominees by March 1

SANDWICH – The Sandwich Lions Club will honor a person or couple with its annual Citizenship Award at its regular meeting in March.

Criteria for the award includes volunteer service in Sandwich and the surrounding area, character and citizenship, civic leadership and accomplishments toward the betterment of the Sandwich community. This can be an improvement or program of significant value to the community. The improvement must be made as a result of personal commitment and not substantially as the result of the person’s primary employment or public responsibilities.

Anyone is eligible with the exception of members of the Sandwich Lions Club board of directors and those who have previously received the award.

A Lions Club committee will evaluate the nominations, and the recipient will be able to name a charity of their choice that will be given $150 in their honor. They will also be also recognized at the annual Chamber of Commerce meeting.

Deadline for nominations is March 1. Submit nominations by mail to Sandwich Lions Club Citizenship Award, P.O. Box 32, Sandwich, IL 60548 or email A submission can be a letter, or nominating forms are available by emailing Lion Beth Nelson at the email above or calling 815-325-8684.

Forms also will be available at the City Hall, 144 E. Railroad St., or Sandwich Chamber of Commerce office, 128 E. Railroad St.