Plans continue to move ahead to build more than 200 single-family houses and townhouse units as part of the second phase of the Hudson Pointe development in Oswego.
At the Feb. 20 Oswego Village Board meeting, the majority of village trustees voted in favor of the concept plans. Voting “no” was Village Trustee Kit Kuhrt.
He expressed concerns about how the village’s current road system can’t handle the influx of people generated by all the new housing developments in the village.
“There’s going to be more and more people and the infrastructure isn’t here,” he said. “Where are they all going to go? There’s just going to be more and more cars here.”
Village Administrator Dan Di Santo said there will be a discussion in the coming months about how the village plans to finance the Wolfs Crossing expansion project. The village has a multi-year plan to improve Wolfs Crossing by expanding the roadway to a modern, four-lane road to help ease traffic congestion, improve safety and accommodate current and future growth.
The first phase of that project recently was completed. Wolfs Crossing was widened to four lanes from Harvey Road to Devoe Drive and the four-way intersection at Wolfs Crossing and Harvey Road was replaced with Oswego’s first roundabout.
The second segment of the project will be improvements at Wolfs Crossing and Douglas Road. At their Feb. 8 meeting, Oswego Planning and Zoning commissioners recommended approval of concept plans for Hudson Pointe II, planned for 81.1 acres on the east side of Harvey Road, generally south of Wolfs Crossing Road.
The land, which currently is used for agriculture and is unincorporated, is immediately south of the existing phase of Hudson Pointe. Lennar plans to build 144 single-family houses and 87 townhouse units as part of Hudson Pointe II.
Hudson Pointe Phase I is comprised of 146 single-family houses and an apartment community called Emblem. Phase two of the development would be just south of the existing phase.
“We think Hudson Pointe II is a natural and logical extension to Hudson Pointe I, " John McFarland, representing the developer, told village trustees.
The developer plans to build 87 townhouse units in 19 buildings. Each building would contain between four and five units.
All of the townhouse units will have three bedrooms and two-car garages, McFarland said. Concept plans show a multi-use trail from Harvey Road to a three-acre park site in the northeast corner of the subject property. The park site in Hudson Pointe II is directly adjacent to a three-acre park in Hudson Pointe Phase I.
Staff has recommended connecting the trail system within the two parks, pending input from the Oswegoland Park District.
The townhouses would not be offered for rent. However, an owner could decide to rent out a townhouse.
“If somebody wants to rent their place out, they could,” McFarland said.
He said houses in Hudson Pointe Phase I have been selling at a steady pace.
“We have consistent sales,” McFarland said. “Even through the construction of Wolfs Crossing last construction season, we continue to have steady sales. We are very happy for it. We wouldn’t be here tonight if it wasn’t successful for us.”
Building wise, that development is about 50% complete, he said.
“Probably a year from now, we’ll be close to 100% complete,” McFarland said.
The land is designated in the village’s Comprehensive Plan as single-family residential with densities of two to three acres.
“The proposed use and proposed density [2.85 units per acre] is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan,” village planner Rachel Riemenschneider said.
The proposed development is adjacent to the future Wikaduke Trail, the planned north-south roadway connecting Will, Kane, DuPage and Kendall counties.
“While the proposed development has been designed with this future roadway in mind, this section of the Wikaduke Trail would not be constructed as part of this development,” she said.