Oswego District 308 students to pay 10 cents more for lunches starting this fall

The cost of lunch will be going up 10 cents for Oswego School District 308 students starting this fall.

The cost of lunch will be going up 10 cents for Oswego School District 308 students starting this fall.

At the June 3 Oswego school board meeting, board members approved the increase. Breakfast fees will remain the same.

“This adjustment aims to accommodate rising costs while continuing to provide nutritious meals to our students,” District 308 Finance Director Amanda Sitar and Chief Financial Officer Raphael Obafemi said in a memo. “We believe these adjustments are necessary to sustain the quality of services we provide while responsibly managing our resources.”

Starting in the fall, the cost of an elementary school lunch will increase to $3.25, up from $3.15. The cost of a junior high lunch and high school lunch will increase to $3.65, up from $3.55.

Registration fees will remain the same.

“We believe maintaining the current structure will ensure accessibility and equity for all students and families within our district,” Sitar and Obafemi said in the memo.

The National School Lunch Program allows students whose families meet certain income requirements to receive all school meals at a free or reduced price. More information is available by going to the district’s website, sd308.org.