Sandwich Antique Mart to hold anniversary celebration

The Sandwich Antique Mart will celebrate its 35th anniversary on July 28 with a piece of cake and storewide sale of 20% off.

The mart is the oldest antique store in Sandwich. It outgrew its original location in downtown Sandwich and moved to 2300 E. Illinois Route 34, according to a news release from the shop.

The shop holds a variety of events such as Dealer Dicker day on New Year’s Day, its spring garden show, fall fest and Christmas show, according to the release.

For the Sunday at Sandwich Antique Flea Market, the shop opens at 8 a.m. for early shoppers. The flea market is held on the second Sunday of the month, according to the release.

Store hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily.