In Kendall County, local public libraries have adopted different policies concerning late fees and overdue materials. Here is an overview of how each library handles these aspects:
Oswego Public Library District does not charge late fees on overdue items for patrons from either of the library’s locations. After an item is overdue for two weeks, a patron’s account will be blocked from further checkouts until the item is returned. Patrons will receive an overdue notice at one week, two weeks and four weeks.
After an item is overdue for six weeks, a patron will receive a replacement charge which can be voided if the item is returned within 60 days of the due date. Accounts with fees more than $100 will be sent to collection after 60 days. The library’s locations are 32 W. Jefferson St. in Oswego and 1111 Reading Drive in Montgomery. For more information, visit
Yorkville Public Library is fine-free for overdue charges, except for laptops and hotspots which accumulate a $5 fee each day of them being overdue. Fees for damaged and/or lost materials still apply. A notice will be sent out three days before an item is due, seven days after it’s due and 14 days after it’s due.
When an item reaches 21 days overdue, it’s considered lost and a replacement fee will be charged unless it’s returned, and a patron’s account will be locked from checking out further materials. Items nine months overdue require a replacement fee that cannot be waived if returned. Yorkville Public Library is located at 902 Game Farm Road. For more information, visit
Plano Community Library District is fine-free for overdue charges. If there is sufficient damage to an item and/or it is unable to be lent out, a patron may be billed, said John Heronemus, a circulation assistant at the library. Plano Community Library District is located at 15 W. North St. For more information, visit
Sandwich Public Library District is fine-free for overdue charges until three overdue notices have been sent via email/mail, which will require the item to be returned or a replacement fee must be paid. Patrons have 10 days from the billed date to return the item, or they’ll be sent to collection.
If the item is returned after 10 days, the replacement fee will be waived, but a $10 collection fee must be paid. If materials are not paid, the fee will remain on a patron’s account until it is. Patrons with fees more than $10 will be restricted from checking out materials and digital collections. Sandwich Public Library District is located at 925 S. Main St. For more information, visit
Charles B. Phillips Public Library District
This library is fine-free unless an item returned is damaged. A replacement may be required for DVDs, books and other materials, according to the library. Charles B. Phillips Public Library District is located at 6 N. Jackson St. in Newark. For more information, visit