Public hearing scheduled for 23-acre solar farm in Yorkville

City Council has approved three other farms in recent months

The proposed 23-acre solar farm development in Yorkville located near the southwest corner of Galena Road and Route 47.

Furthering the trend of Yorkville farmers and developers harnessing the sun’s power, the Yorkville Economic Development Committee approved a 23-acre solar farm, readying a Sept. 11 public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission.

The proposed 5-megawatt solar array, by Yorkville Renewables Solar Nexamp, would be located on the current 73.5-acre agricultural farm located near the southwest corner of Galena Road and Route 47.

The Yorkville City Council has approved three solar farms in recent months, including annexing unincorporated farmland before rezoning for solar arrays. The Council also approved rezoning and annexing former unincorporated farmland for the construction of data center campuses.

The current farmland property, owned by Daniel and Charene Nagal, must be rezoned for special use. The petitioners are requesting a variance enabling them to build up to 8-feet from the side edges of the property. The current city ordinance requires at least 100-feet setbacks from the edges of properties.

The developers proposed an 8-foot tall galvanized, chain-link fence surrounding the 4,600-foot perimeter of the solar farm. The fence would contain a 20-foot wide vehicle access gate.

Solar panels would face east, rotating west, enabling maximum sunlight. A city ordinance requires the location of the panels to eliminate glare that could be directed into nearby properties or roadways. The developer’s submitted glare study found the current plan contains no potential for glare onto surrounding properties.

After the public hearing, the official vote will go before the Yorkville City Council at the Sept. 24 meeting.