Yorkville School District 115 releases extreme heat weather advisory notice

Heat may lead to cancelled sports and outdoor activities

The Yorkville Community Unit School District 115 released a public notice on Sunday advising they are closely monitoring the extreme heat weather conditions this week and advising parents and students to take proper safety pre-cautions.

According to the notice, during periods of extreme heat, there will be no outdoor recess, PE, or outdoor learning classes. The notice reassures parents that all school buildings and classrooms are fully air-conditioned.

The notice urges parents to remind their children to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep hydrated. School buildings are equipped with water bottle refilling stations.

District buses are not equipped with air conditioning, according to the notice. If a parent would rather arrange for their child to be picked-up, the district urges parents to contact their child’s school office to provide any transportation changes.

According to the notice, the district will adhere to IHSA policies regarding weather-related cancellations for all outdoor sports and extracurricular activities. If an event needs to be canceled due to weather, the district will communicate and coaches and sponsors will provide details, including about any rescheduling plans.