Woman charged following disturbance Tuesday morning at Oswego’s Southbury Elementary School

Oswego police squad car (Shaw Media file photo)

A woman was charged Tuesday for causing a disturbance in front of Southbury Elementary School in Oswego, according to Oswego police.

About 8:45 a.m., Oswego Police were at the school responding to a disturbance, according to a post on the department’s Facebook page. The incident began when the woman reportedly made an illegal u-turn with her car in a sidewalk.

After the woman was told that she could not do that, she allegedly began yelling at people at the school, police said. Several officers responded to the incident, according to the post.

Police issued the woman an ordinance violation for disorderly conduct, alleging she acted in such a manner as to alarm or disturb other people and to provoke a breach of the peace.

Officers were on the scene for about 45 minutes.