Montgomery Historic Preservation Commission to host Annual Cemetery Walk

Standing amid Tschannen family headstones, John Aman of Montgomery portrays Herbert Tschannen, a Swiss immigrant during the Village of Montgomery’s annual cemetery walk at Riverside Cemetery Wednesday, Oct. 5. The free event is sponsored by the village’s Historic Preservation Commission.

The Montgomery Historic Preservation Commission will host the Annual Cemetery Walk at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 24, at Riverside Cemetery, 414 N. River St., in Montgomery. Admission is free.

This event takes place on the first Wednesday evening in October every year.

Tour guides will lead guests through the cemetery in small groups to meet the “ghosts” of early pioneers and other cemetery residents, according to a news release from the preservation commission.

Authentic characters will portray historical figures from Montgomery’s past. Each year, the event features new stories and highlights unique residents, providing a glimpse into the community’s history, according to the release.

Visitors can arrive any time between 7 and 8 p.m. Tours will begin at the corner of River and Taylor streets on the southeast side of the cemetery about every 10 minutes. Parking is available along River Street near Montgomery Park.

Visitors are asked to bring flashlights and sturdy shoes due to the uneven terrain, according to the release.

Dieterle Memorial Home, which owns and maintains Riverside, will offer free refreshments.

In case of inclement weather, the rain date is Thursday, Oct. 25, at the same time and location. Weather updates and announcements will be available at

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