The 21st annual Trunk or Treat will be from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 13, at the Plano Methodist Church parking lot, at 219 N. Hale St.
Children will be going from car trunk to car trunk collecting goodies.
There will be games, a labyrinth, refreshments, a photo booth, a favorite trunk contest and more.
Attendees and those passing out goodies may be in costume.
Participants are encouraged to bring canned goods or paper products for the Kendall County Community Food Pantry.
There will be a fire trunk, police trunk, furniture trunk and more to provide a safe fun activity for the children.
For individuals wanting to provide a trunk, arrive by 12:30 p.m., decorate it in Halloween fashion, provide candy or novelty toys for children and come in costume.
For more information, call the church office at 630-552-3700 or Linda Oleson at 630-552-3828.