Letter: The Rule of Law

Letter to the Editor

In law school my classmates and I were always hearing, talking about and, on exams, writing about “The Rule of Law”.  There are many wordy definitions of it, but in my mind they all come down to the idea that all citizens should be treated equally under the laws of our country regardless of our individual wealth or poverty, who we voted for, who we know, or our place in society.

In the campaigns now going on for the President of the United States I see clear differences in the candidates’ views of how each intends to use the awesome power of carrying out the law that comes with the office. One vows to use it to pardon convicted friends and supporters and punish personal and political enemies. The other promises to prosecute everyone equally as the candidate has already done in a long career as a prosecutor.

If we want to continue to have “The Rule of Law” that my classmates and I were taught in law school is the goal of the legal profession and our government, our choice as voters is clear. Please consider this when you cast your ballot.

Priscilla Gruber
