Election 2024 Questionnaire: Tiara McCullough, Kendall County Circuit Clerk

Tiara McCullough

Name: Tiara McCullough

Party: Democrat

What in your professional experience best qualifies you for Kendall County Circuit Clerk?

Customer service, finance, and data entry have been the cornerstones of my career. I know firsthand how essential customer service, transparency, and efficiency are. I possess marketing skills that I will use to bring innovative ideas to help bring the Circut Clerk’s office up to date.

Why are you the better candidate?

I am the better candidate because I run with the community in mind. I intend to not only support the community but also the employees, Judges, and Lawyers. All of them deserve to have a Circuit Clerk who will not hesitate to use granted funding and work diligently to modernize all aspects of the Circuit Clerk’s office.

What do you think are the three biggest challenges Kendall County will face during the next term, and what solutions do you propose?

1. We must stay up to date on the latest technology to properly service the county inside and outside of the courthouse. I propose modernizing the Circuit Clerk’s Office for the next term by increasing online services with enhanced security. This can reduce traffic in the courthouse and speed up processes. I also propose training and support to staff to ensure a smooth transition to new systems and processes.

2. Funding is another challenge. I propose working with the County Board to help secure funding to maintain operations and secure an adequate future for the courts in Kendall County.

3. A growing population is challenging. This could cause a possible increase in daily caseloads for the courts. I propose managing our resources wisely and staying current with new laws and regulation to ensure compliance.

4. The Circuit Clerk’s Office is at the center of sensitive business for many county residents. What do you think is the most important attribute for a Clerk to maintain the integrity of the office and communication with the public?

Transparency is the most important attribute. I will ensure that the Circuit Clerks Office is straightforward, open and honest with accessible records. I will ensure that the office conducts itself with integrity and with clear communication.

If you are the challenger, what improvements do you think need to be made and how would you implement them?

I will focus on the challenges that the Circuit Clerk’s office is currently facing with technology first. From there I will shift my focus on maintaining operations and securing a better future for Kendall County Courts.

Do you believe you can serve your constituents in a bipartisan manner? Why or why not?

Absolutely, I think alot of people forget that even though I am running as a Democrat, the position is bipartisan. I am here to be apart of a positive change and to serve the people of Kendall County with the utmost respect and integrity.