Election 2024 Questionnaire: Zach Turnbow, Kendall County Board District 1

Zach Turnbow

Name: Zach Turnbow

Party: Democratic

What in your professional experience best qualifies you for a seat on the Kendall County Board?

I was a Kendall Township Board trustee for four years and have been successful in my goals which were bringing the township through a website and lowering the tax rate. I have 8 years of experience working with business owners in the private sector. I have also been a Kendall County citizen for the past 27 years.

There are only three seats open for this district. What makes you one of the top candidates in the race?

I believe that my dedication, strategical mindset and long term thinking makes me the top candidate for the County Board.

What do you think are the three biggest challenges Kendall County will face during the next term and what solutions would you propose?

I believe that the top three challenges to Kendall County is the massive growth in business and population, the lack of a plan for infrastructure, and the high property taxes. I believe that the solution to these three problems is a massive infrastructure plan. This plan needs to be agreed on by the Illinois Department of Transportation, the Kendall County Board, the individual cities and the Townships.

Why do you want a seat on the board? What goals would you like to accomplish during your term?

I want to build a better future for my future kids and my nieces and nephews. I also want to develop this county that I have been in my whole life. I would like to start on the infrastructure plan for our major roads and I want to help push the broadband project through.

Do you believe you can serve your constituents in a bipartisan manner? Why or why not?

I believe that I can serve my constituency in a bipartisan because one way is not always the right way. The problems that face Kendall County are unique and will need to be individualized solutions. I have served my township in a bipartisan way and have worked closely and successfully with my counterparts.

As Kendall County continues to grow in population, what is the best way to address the additional traffic caused by the growth? How can the Kendall County Board prepare the county’s infrastructure and help municipalities do the same?

I believe that the best way to deal with the heavy population growth is by expanding our major roads so that allows more car and truck travel. I also believe that we should funnel industrial trucks to certain roads that wouldn’t impede on the normal population traffic.