For the most part, voters in Kendall County are not dealing with long lines at their polling places.
“I’ve not really heard anything about long lines at this point,” Kendall County Clerk and Recorder Debbie Gillette said late Tuesday afternoon. “If there are, they just haven’t reported it to us.”
There was a line of people waiting to vote at the Montgomery campus of the Oswego Public Library. To help process things faster, her office did give election workers there another laptop computer to use.
“When someone registers to vote, it takes more time, so they’re not able to check in other people because they’re registering someone,” Gillette said. “So they got another laptop so they could dedicate that to registering people and letting the people that were already registered kind of get through the line quicker.”
Voters can still register in person at their polling place. Gillette’s office has been busy answering election-related questions throughout the day, such as where they can vote and it they are registered to vote.
“There’s been lots of questions like that,” she said.
Prior to Election Day, her office saw a surge of people voting early.
“At the county office building, we had 15,985 early voters and then at Oswego Village Hall, we had 6,987 people,” Gillette said.
The first day for early voting in Kendall County was Sept. 26.
“The first four days, we had 630 people,” Gillette said.
She said the presidential election has created a lot of interest.
Polls in Illinois close at 7 p.m.