Data center plans in Yorkville to require road realaignment

Other road projects are being planned throughout city

The designated route of the Kennedy Road restructuring in Yorkville, which includes widening the roadway and improving its safety.

As Yorkville continues to move forward with annexing land for data center projects, some roadwork will be required to make it all fit.

During the Nov. 19 Public Works Committee, City Administrator Bart Olson said to accommodate the plans for the Daniels property, which has applied for annexation and rezoning to construct data centers, Beecher road would need to be realigned.

Olson said the two options are either direct the roadway closer to existing residential homes, which would most likely guarantee no data center would be built between the road and their homes, or place the road further away from the homes, but then a data center building could be potentially put between without much of a buffer for the residents.

“We have had as part of our planning discussions, conversations with a couple residents that received public notice with the Daniels property,” Olson said. “One resident said they prefer the roadway closer to their home with no chance of a data center immediately adjacent to their properties. These are the things we need feedback on.”

Beecher Road is being built-out to connect to Corneils Road. South of the railroad tracks, Beecher Road will feature urban curbs and gutters. These features will not be built on the rural section north of the railroad tracks. The data center developer, CyrusOne, is responsible for a large portion of the construction costs.

Faxon Road is being reconstructed from Eldamain Road to the eastern terminus near the railroad tracks. CyrusOne is also responsible for this reconstruction. The construction involves restructuring two roadway cross-sections.

Corneils Road is being reconstructed from the entrance of the BrightFarms facility to Route 47. According to city documents, additional roadway planning will occur north of Corneils Road once potential development plans become more clear.

Elsewhere in town, the reconstruction of Kennedy Road between Freedom Place and Emerald Lane is taking another step forward. The road is planned to be widened from Autumn Creek to Freedom Place, with construction scheduled for 2028. The project includes improving curves and intersections to improve their safety.

City officials are considering an engineering agreement with EEI for $324,764. The city is expecting a federal grant to cover around $2 million of the total $3.5 million project.

The city is also considering a $124,714 contract with R.A.S. Lan Management, Co to help complete restoration work along the Rob Roy Drainage Ditch to improve its water draining efficiency.

The work will take place from Route 34 to Galena Road. The construction work will include leveling the banks of the ditch, and installing drainage pipes where they are currently experiencing water drainage issues. Workers will also seed the area to prevent future erosion of the ditch’s banks.