How a near tragedy inspired a donation of life-saving equipment to Plano police

Kits are used to save somebody from choking when each second is crucial

The Plano Police Department received a community donation of a Life Vac kit for each of their squad cars. The medical devices assist in clearing a person's throat by dislodging food when they are choking.

A near tragic moment has inspired a donation to the Plano Police Department of medical devices that just may save someone’s life.

Brian Kahl and Ellen Stephens-Kahl of Plano donated 10 LifeVac kits for each of the department’s squad cars. The medical devices are used to clear the breathing passage when somebody is choking.

Ellen Stephens-Kahl said she knows all too well how each second matters during a choking incident.

“Over a decade ago, our granddaughter almost choked to death in a restaurant when she was about two-years-old,” Stephens-Kahl said. “I thought she was dying right in front of me and there was nothing I could do about it. My son was able to clear her passageway.”

Stephens-Kahl said in her professional medical experiences as a nurse, the LifeVac is a device you hope you never need but definitely want if you do.

She said when her son, who is now an officer with the Batavia Police Department, said their department could use some LifeVac kits, she and her husband thought about their own police department in Plano.

“I know we were seconds away from a different outcome with my granddaughter,” Stephens-Kahl said. “While LifeVac didn’t exist back then, it is such an awesome tool today. I bought one for my house in case of an emergency. I have one in my vehicle when I go out. I even bought some for my granddaughters’ schools.”

Plano Police Chief Norm Allison said the department is incredibly grateful to receive the medical devices.

“We’re very humbled and thankful for those donations that can be used to help save lives,” Allison said. “Ellen and Brian just contacted us out of the blue, it truly means a lot. Our officers now have this extra tool in their belt to deploy to hopefully dislodge whatever is inside the person. It can secure that airway and help them breathe again.”

Allison said the device is crucial when the Heimlich maneuver fails to dislodge whatever is blocking the airway of the person choking.

He said police officers often arrive at a scene before paramedics. Allison said with the new kits, they can assist the paramedics before they even arrive, ensuring the person has the greatest chance of survival and a full recovery.

Stepehns-Kahl said with the donated kits, the company, LifeVac, provides training on the devices and will replace for free any kit that has been used.