2025 Election Questionnaire: Sheila Schimandle-Tricarico, Plano School District 88 Board of Education

Sheila Schimandle-Tricarico


Sheila Schimandle-Tricarico

What office are you seeking?

Plano District 88 School Board

What is your political party?


What is your current age?


Occupation and employer:

Retired Operating Engineer

What offices, if any, have you previously held?

I have not held any public office, but I have worked on multiple committees at Harvest Chapel Church and the Smallville Superfest Planning Committee.



Campaign Website:



Diploma, East Aurora High School 1982

Associates of Arts, Waubonsee Community College

5 Years Apprenticeship Operating Engineers

Directional Boring

Advanced Directional Boring

Paving Machine Operations

Rolling Techniques

Advanced Rolling Techniques

Shuttle Buggy Operations

Skidster Operations

Osha 10

Osha 30

Parenting Education

Community Involvement:

I currently volunteer at Harvest Chapel Church in Sandwich, where I am involved in running life groups. I was involved in the completion of the Selah House (foster children housing) in Yorkville Illinois, Coat drive Organizer for the Hesed House, funding holidays for low income and homeless children, Pads volunteer for Kendall County, Feed my Starving Children Group Organizer, Bingo Programs for Pavillion On Main, Fund Raising for Cancer Patients, along with my husband we facilitate Baby Food Collection and Delivery to local food organizations, designer and Admin of Kindness is Free Plano Illinois.

Marital status/Immediate family:

I am married to Steven Tricarico. I have 5 sons, who all graduated from Plano High School and reside in the area. I have 15 grandchildren, 13 of them have all either graduated from Plano High School or are in the Plano School District. 3 of my brothers are my neighbors in my subdivision along with 15 nieces and nephews


How can the district improve reading and English proficiency and state test scores?

The district can do a few things to improve state test scores:

1.) Build stronger relationships with families that can validate the importance of education and showing families that education is a team effort.

2.) Develop a robust training program and professional development for teachers to assist them in differentiation in the classroom.

3.) Focusing on data driven practices and bringing in staff members with proven success improving data within these areas of deficit.

4.) Fostering a community of readers by partnering for events with the library and reading incentive for students and families who are making it a priority.

As diversity, equity and inclusion programs are being rolled back in organizations around the country, what role does the school district have to play in ensuring a diverse community of learners has equal opportunities for success?

The district can work in a couple areas to ensure the success of all students:

1.) Professional development for teachers aimed at addressing barriers for diverse learners

2.) Acknowledging Plano has changed in its diversity and in its socio-economic status and addressing as a district what the needs of our new demographics need in terms of programs. Essentially, ensuring curriculum and programming ensures that every student in our district has the opportunity to have a free and fair public education regardless of their background.

Do you think the district is doing enough to ensure that schools are drug-free environments? Why or why not? And if not, what more can be done?

I feel the district has taken steps with vape detectors and monitoring things better at the high school level. However, I believe the district needs to look into more preventive measures at younger ages and involving families in that process through education and parental support with drug issues rather than a reactionary approach.

What steps can districts take to ensure students are physically safe while in the building? Is the district doing enough or would you like to see more?

I have been in district buildings and the protocols in place seem to be adequate to keep students safe, as well the as the protocols with threats and things of that nature. One area I feel the district falls short is addressing staff issues. I feel that we have had multiple staff issues over the past couple years that have been dismissed or swept under the rug. I think the transparency with those issues needs to improve to the furthest extent possible within the contract and working with the union.

If you have children, do they or did they attend public school and was that for all of their K-12 school years?

I have 5 Very successful sons who graduated from the Plano School District. They attended from the time we moved to Plano in 1997 until completion. Two of my grandchildren have attended and graduated from Plano High, and I currently have 10 grandchildren attending Dist. 88 Pre-school into high school where they will graduate. I also have 11 nieces and nephews currently attending or recent grads of Plano High. There have been discussions as issues that have arisen in the district at times, however we as a family of public servants, educators and coaches believe in the public school system. I have a vested interest in the betterment of District 88 for the next 15 years and beyond.

What do you see as the school district’s role in deciding what materials should be available in the library and in curricula?

I believe the school district needs to have a certain level of trust in their educators to make decisions about the library and curriculum. I would like to think our educators see value in a variety of points of view and are trying to create well round individuals. If the board does become involved in these matters, it would be due to a large parent outcry where discussions could be had regarding those concerns as a last resort.

Most of local residents' property taxes go to their school districts. Are taxes paid to your school district too high? What would you do to protect the interests of taxpayers?

I will begin with I want the best for our children in this district. However, on that same token I am retired on a fixed income as well. I want us to review the money we spend and be sure we are being as efficient as possible. Some expenditures I have seen are wonderful and I enjoy them, but I wonder were they “needed.” It is great to have some of the items we have spent money on, but we also have to considered are they really improving the educational process of our children. I would like to bring a thought of reexamining of what are “wants” and what are “needs.” In addition, before we decide any big expenditures putting that information out in a variety of ways and inviting taxpayers to give their input on these matters.

Most of the COVID relief money from the federal government is coming to an end. What spending adjustments does your school district need to make to address that?

As a district, we need to buckle down and review what I discussed in the previous question of what we want and what we actually need. The other issue is bringing in a grant writer!! With many residents living on a lower socio-economic range, we need to make a greater use of grants that are available to communities like ours. That is something that will take the pressure off taxpayers, and allow us to create better opportunities.

Should Title IX cover sexual orientation or gender identity? What are your views on the use of locker rooms and bathrooms by transgender students and their participating in sports?

I believe in a person’s right to be themselves whatever that means to them. That being said, I do believe there does need to be a line drawn. I believe that a person has a RIGHT to be themselves, unless it starts infringing on another person’s rights or impacting the education of another student.

What is your stance on ICE agents accessing school grounds, and what policies would you advocate for regarding their presence on school property?

I respect the federal government and the laws they enforce. I also respect the right for them to enforce them. However, I would like to see the district be involved in conversations involving ICE with our local law enforcement. Those conversations would all them to do their job, but find alternative ways that were not on school grounds or situations that could cause trauma to all students. I would like to see schools be a safe zone from issues like these, but also be in conversations that allow agents to do their job without affecting our students.

What are the top three issues that the school district is facing right now?

1.) Transparency- I do not believe that our stakeholders are informed of important information or allowed to be involved in expressing their opinion with a response. We are a board elected by the people, and we need to remember that we work for the people.

2.) Addressing the changes in the Plano community. We are a very different community than when I first moved my family here 27 years ago. We have doubled in size, diversified, stretched our boundaries, and grown our district. The board has made great strides in some areas. However, overall I feel like we can get stuck in the past with the some decisions being considering Plano of old. I feel we need to acknowledge the changes we are facing in deciding what our district needs.

3.) Finding ways to be more creative to improve the district financially. We are overtaxed, not by a fault of the district. We do not have the businesses bringing in revenue currently to make drastic improvements without burdening our stakeholders. So, as we look at upcoming building changes needed, and other improvements we need to find alternative ways to fund. Whether than be at the state or federal level of finding assistance, it is something that does need to be improved. In addition, as we do get businesses such as Microsoft coming into our community, reaching out and discussing how they can help this community improve.

What is your position on allowing students to use cell phones during school hours?

I trust the administration at each building level to make decisions based on what they see in their building. I have family in education, and have discussed both ways have successes. I do believe we do need to alleviate gray areas in these protocols and being sure they are being followed.

Do you think cell phone policies should allow exceptions for emergencies or specific educational purposes? If so, how would these exceptions be defined?

I believe it should be an all or nothing decision. We are either allowing them or we are not. All the exceptions and grey area cause confusions for students and staff dealing with the issue. As I said previously, I think it can work either way if we are clear. We made due in school for 60 years without cell phones and I think we can again. However, I also see the value of them if used appropriately in the building. Great Value! I think the success of that decision falls on strong administration and buy in from staff.

What steps would you take to address concerns about cyberbullying and inappropriate content access through student cell phones?

I think educating our students on issues that can arise with phones is vital. Such as the recently created laws involving Cyber Bullying and other crimes through phones and social media. I also believe educating our younger students what appropriate and inappropriate behavior is and holding a hard line on those expectations.

Should students be able to use AI in schoolwork?

Yes, we do not need to evolve with the time. However, we need to implement training and professional development for our teachers how to work with AI. I know there are programs to assist teachers with grading and things of that nature to allow AI to be implemented. I am older, so I cannot say I understand everything that can be done with it. But with that being said, it is part of our society and something our students will be utilizing in their lives. So, why can we work with them on becoming versed and using it appropriately rather than pretending it does not exist.

What is your plan for making district financial reports, including budgets and expenditures, publicly available and easy to understand?

This is a big aspect I would like to see improved. Currently, it seems the thought is the information is available if you come to board meetings or deep dive into board documents that aren’t always easy to read. However, I believe we should be pushing notices out explaining big expenditures and budgets in a variety of ways (email, social media, et). This could involve creating a parent committee that can work with the board to create a user friendly explanation of finances that are important to our stakeholders.

How would you involve parents and community members in the decision-making process for curriculum or policy changes?

By involving them in the process and listening to their concerns. Whether fair or not, I do not hear that people believe their thoughts matter or their opinion is valued. On the same token, I do not see people attending board meetings in a high number. I have been trying to gauge is it because they don’t feel heard or people are not paying attention. Either way, I would like to improve that by getting out and speaking to people, making them feel they are heard, and motivating them to become involved in the process.

What is your position on banning books in school libraries or classrooms, and how do you define the criteria for such decisions?

I feel the district can work in a couple areas to ensure the success of all students:

1.) Professional development for teachers aimed at addressing barriers for diverse learners

2.) Acknowledging Plano has changed in its diversity and in its socio-economic status and addressing as a district what the needs of our new demographics need in terms of programs. Essentially, ensuring curriculum and programming ensures that every student in our district has the opportunity to have a free and fair public education regardless of their background.

How would you balance maintaining appropriate class sizes with the current teacher staffing levels?

We need to strike a balance between being fiscally responsible and giving our teachers the best opportunity in the classroom. This falls back to the financial question earlier of where is our money going, and putting as much of it as possible down to the educational front lines.

Do you believe the district is allocating enough resources toward hiring and supporting teachers, and if not, what changes would you make?

Yes and No. I believe we are supporting our teachers to a point. However, I believe we are not keeping or attracting enough quality teachers with some of the things in our contract. However, I do not want to add to the budget, I feel we may be spending at the district level on administrators and other things that could be diverted towards the teachers who are on the frontlines of education.

How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?

I believe the board is a board that works for the people. It is our job to be available, especially at board meetings. I live in Plano, I shop, attend school events, have social media, email and am open to phone contact at any time! I believe we should be having two way constructive discussions. I am open to public forums on bigger issues for the community. So, while every person may not agree on the end decision, at least there would be an understanding of why that decision was made. I would love to see a bridge built between parents, educators, students and the board.