Cannonball Trail and Dickson Road changes enhance Montgomery’s infrastructure for future growth

Montgomery's Village Hall, located at 200 N. River St. The village received a clean audit opinion and the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its 21st consecutive year.

The Cannonball Trail and Dickson Road Realignment Project, a collaboration between the Village of Montgomery and the Kendall County Highway Department, is nearing completion of its first phase.

It will realign Dickson Road to create a four-way stop with Cannonball Trail, eliminating the Dickson and Galena Roads intersection, improving traffic safety, and supporting community growth.

The Dickson Road realignment will create a four-way stop with Cannonball Trail, transitioning to a traffic signal in summer 2025, improving safety, reducing congestion and streamlining traffic.

Once complete, this project will pave the way for the future connection of Gordon Road, where it currently ends at Julie Lane, further improving accessibility and regional connectivity.

Construction of the new portion of the roadway is complete, and the removal of the Galena and Dickson Road intersection begins on March 19, with travelers advised to expect changes in travel directions.

For more information, visit the Construction Projects page on the Village’s website at