Kendall County Now’s Voter Guide for April 2025 local election

Learn more about the candidates and races up this election

Voting booths await voters in a previous election.

This spring, Kendall County voters get to decide who will make the important decisions regarding their communities, schools, townships, fire departments, parks and libraries.

Early voting has started and voting will conclude on Election Day, April 1.

To vote by mail, go to the Kendall County Clerk’s Office’s website to obtain an application for vote-by-mail ballots. The last day for the county clerk’s office to accept applications is Thursday, March 27.

Early voting has started at two locations in Kendall County.

Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday through Friday, March 28, and 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday, March 31, at the Kendall County Office Building, 502 S. Main St. in Yorkville.

Early voting is also available 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday through Wednesday, March 26, at the Oswego Village Hall’s Community Room.

Below are all competitive races in Kendall County with candidate questionnaires and coverage as available. This voter guide will be updated if additional candidates submit their questionnaires and more coverage completed.

Table of Contents


City of Aurora


Richard C. Irvin (incumbent)

John Laesch

Alderperson At-Large

Ron Woerman

Keith Larson (incumbent)

City of Joliet

Councilmember At-Large, Vote for 3

Joe Clement (incumbent)

Damon Zdunich

Juan Moreno

Glenda Wright-McCullum: Candidate questionnaire

Jan Quillman (incumbent)

Larry Crawford (write-in)

Jim Lanham (write-in): Candidate questionnaire

Our coverage: “What these city council candidates say about Joliet’s future development”

“Joliet City Council candidates present their platforms at first forum”

City of Sandwich


Colton Otto: Candidate questionnaire

Rick Whitecotton

Todd K. Latham (incumbent): Candidate questionnaire

Alderperson Ward 1

Matt Chunn

Phyllis Wallington

Alderperson Ward 2

Genelle Inman

Rebecca Johnson (write-in) (incumbent)

Our coverage: “Alderwoman running write-in campaign after being bumped off Sandwich ballot”

Alderperson Ward 4

Donald Danko (write-in)

Rebecca Nelson (write-in)

Village of Minooka

Trustee, Vote for 3

Joshawa Stell: Candidate questionnaire

Robin White (incumbent): Candidate questionnaire

Brayden Caraynoff-Huber: Candidate questionnaire

Douglas P. Martin

Jonathan M. Slavik

Gabriela Martinez (incumbent): Candidate questionnaire

Village of Oswego

Trustee, 4-Year Term, Vote for 3

Terry Olson

Jennifer Jones Sinnott

Jim Marter II

Rachelle Koenig

James Cooper

Karen E. Novy

Trustee, 2-Year Term, Vote for 1

Lori West

Jennifer Hughes

Our coverage: “Business growth, commuter rail service among issued discussed at Oswego Village Board candidate forum”

Village of Plainfield

Village President

Kevin M. Calkins

Margie Bonuchi

John F. Argoudelis (incumbent)

Cally J. Larson


Bristol Township

Highway Commissioner

Shawn J. Egert

Brian K. Stillmunkes

Vernon “Lee” Ming

Kendall Township

Trustee, Vote for 4

Timothy Karales (incumbent)

Carolyn Pottinger (incumbent)

Scott Harmon

Don M. Hirsch (incumbent)

Douglas Thanepohn (incumbent)

Daniel Assell

Christopher Assell

Lisbon Township

Highway Commissioner

Corey Jacobson

Matthew Anzelc (write-in)

Na-Au-Say Township


Douglas Zimny

Eric E. Bernacki

Highway Commissioner

Jeremiah Finnestad

David Wheeler

Trustee, Vote for 4

Gregory Bogdan

Pamela George

Stephen Shreve

Austin Nakaerts

Daniel Hill (incumbent)

Oswego Township


Dan Koukol

Brian Hauser (incumbent)


Fox Valley Park District

Commissioner At Large, Vote for 1

Joe Grisson III (incumbent)

Edward Ash

Commissioner District 1

Sandra Schmitt

Chuck Anderson (incumbent)

Incumbent Mary Anne Cummings is running unopposed in District 2, and incumbent Marea Berkley Clement is unopposed in District 3. Incumbent Aimee Cisneros is running unopposed for a two-year term in District 3.

Oswegoland Park District

Commissioner, Unexpired 4-Year Term

Robert Ijams (incumbent)

Commissioner, Full 6-Year Term

Holly Wiggins (incumbent)

Jason Bullens


Aurora Public Library

Trustee, Vote for 2

Ram Tyagi

Joseph Sánchez (incumbent)

Kevin O’Neill (incumbent)

Vincent Gaddis

Paul LaTour (incumbent)

Scott McCleary filed as a write-in candidate for an unexpired four-year term.

Oswego Public Library

Trustee, Vote for 4

Lu Anne Harkins

Peter Wallers (incumbent)

Terry Tamblyn (incumbent)

James Connon (incumbent)

James T. “Jim” Marter (incumbent)

Sandwich Public Library

Trustee, Vote for 3

Elsie Campbell Morrissey

Nancy Schroeder

Jane Wolf (incumbent)

Heather Lee (incumbent)

Matthew Jones (incumbent)

Sheila Thompson (incumbent)

No candidate has filed for an open two-year seat.

Three Rivers Public Library

Trustee, 2-Year Term, Vote for 1

Kari A. Sullivan (incumbent)

Mellissa “Missa” Backus

Trustee, 6-Year Term, Vote for 2

Martha Swick (incumbent)

Diane Chesson (incumbent)

Kristen Koppers

Kelly McGowan


Minooka School District 201

Board member, Vote for 4

Adam Shainberg (incumbent)

Ed Cronin (incumbent)

Brian Pohlman

Thomas J. McGowan

John Ciolkosz

Devin Ruddick

Stephen Blount (incumbent)

Oswego School District 308

Board member, Vote for 4

Katie Heiden: Candidate questionnaire

Rovel Pollock: Candidate questionnaire

Erika Sieh: Candidate questionnaire

James T. “Jim” Marter: Candidate questionnaire

Kari Foulk: Candidate questionnaire

Dawn Marquis

Brandi Robinson: Candidate questionnaire

Heather Martin: Candidate questionnaire

Plano School District 88

Board member, Vote for 3

Tim Campbell (incumbent)

Chad Martin (incumbent)

Charles Schneider

James A. Ward

Sheila Schimandle-Tricarico: Candidate questionnaire

Mike Jernigan (incumbent)

No candidate has filed for an open two-year seat.

Sandwich School District 430

Board member, Vote for 3

Erik D. Englehart (incumbent)

Candace Oropeza

John Morse (incumbent)

Traci Griffin-Lappe

Saratoga School District 60C

Board member, Vote for 4

Steven Halcomb

Eric Peterson

Tiffany Frey

Justin Holman

Karen Condon

Laney Callahan

Yorkville School District 115

Board member, Vote for 2

Joseph Rand

Julie Hart

Michael Knoll (incumbent)

Molly Gerke

Jeanette Norman

Two additional board members will be elected from Bristol Township. Incumbents Leslie Smogor and Shawn A. Schumacher filed for those spots.

Our coverage: “Yorkville school board candidates discuss DEI, ICE, and vetting classroom subjects”

“Yorkville school board candidates defend ‘Just Mercy’ votes ahead of April 1 elections”

“Yorkville school board candidates remark on removal of ‘Just Mercy’ at forum”

Morris High School District 101

Board member, Vote for 4

Christopher J. Drumeller

Edward Barry

Christina Burgess

Dan McDonnell

Kimberly L. Struck

Chris Danek (incumbent)

Chelsea Kuhel

Matt Eber (incumbent): Candidate questionnaire


Joliet Junior College

Four-year term, Vote for 3

Maureen Flanagan Broderick (incumbent)

Elaine Bottomley

Nancy Garcia (incumbent)

Timothy John Broderick

Robert Wunderlich

Timothy Bradley

Our coverage: “Joliet Junior College trustee candidates say programs need broader appeal for more students”

Waubonsee Community College

Trustee, Vote for 2

Daniel Jaquez (incumbent)

Greg Dobbins

Tina Medlin Willson (incumbent)

Richard “Rick” Guzman is running unopposed for an unexpired four-year term.


Plainfield Fire Protection District

Trustee, Vote for 2

Robert Dehm

Theodore Peszynski (incumbent)

William Klein

Sandwich Fire Protection District


Judd Weber

Justin Gifford

Bill Novicki

Jacob Johns


Morris High School District 101 proposition to issue $67 million in building bonds

From the opinion page: “Community Pulse: Morris to vote on high school’s building addition referendum April 1″