Need a best friend? Kendall County Animal Control has another litter of pups up for adoption

Kendall County Animal Control Director Taylor Cosgrove, left, and kennel technician Brianna Falk hold cattle dog mixed breed puppies at the April 18, 2023 County Board meeting.

YORKVILLE – It’s official. Kendall County residents love puppies.

Last month Kendall County Animal Control put seven German shepherds born at the county’s shelter up for adoption.

“The shepherds all went like that,” Animal Control Director Taylor Cosgrove said. “They have all been placed and are living in their new homes.”

One of the animals, named Monty, is now serving as a support dog with the Montgomery Police Department.

“He gets to snuggle and hang out with the officers,” Cosgrove said.

Since then, another litter of puppies has miraculously appeared at the shelter, this time a “cattle dog” mixed breed.

Mixed with what other breed is uncertain, Cosgrove told the Kendall County Board on April 18.

Like the German shepherds, these seven-week-old puppies are going fast.

The Animal Control office is taking applications for those interested in adopting one of the puppies.

Any pets in the home must be up to date on their vaccines, Cosgrove said. A meet-and-greet with the family is scheduled to ensure that everyone gets along.

Kendall County Animal Control may be contacted at 630-553-9256.

Kendall County Board members cuddle German Shepherd puppies that are available for adaption from Kendall County Animal Control, at the March 7, 2023 meeting. They are, from left, Brooke Shanley, Brian DeBolt, Ruben Rodriguez and Chairman Matt Kellogg.