Yorkville police investigation finds no threat in classroom, online discussions

Yorkville police have determined that there is no threat to the safety of students, Yorkville School District 115 employees or the general public resulting from a classroom discussion and an online conversation involving a group of Yorkville Middle School students.

In a statement issued jointly by Yorkville police and the school district Thursday evening, April 1, officials said police and the school district were informed Thursday “about an online conversation between a group of Yorkville Middle School students in which a student made an inappropriate statement regarding how to best handle a conflict.”

The statement continues: “The conversation was said to be an extension of a March 31 classroom discussion regarding conflict resolution in which the same student made a similar inappropriate comment. During that incident, the classroom teacher was able to redirect the conversation without further incident. Once notified of the online discussion, school and Yorkville Police Department officials investigated the concern and determined that there was no threat to the safety of students, employees, or the general public,”
