Spring pond seminar planned for March 15 in Morris

Prince Pond is one of the Downers Grove Park District's attractions.

The Kendall and Grundy County Soil and Water Conservation districts will host a spring pond seminar at 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 15. This year’s event will be at the Kendall-Grundy Farm Bureau building, 4000 N. Division St., Morris.

The seminar will be conducted by Seth Love, Illinois Department of Natural Resources fisheries biologist. The program will provide information on pond maintenance and care, fish stocking rates, aquatic vegetation, pond shocking, chemicals, feed and related questions. A light dinner will be provided.

Register for this free event by Monday, March 6, by calling the Kendall County SWCD office at 630-553-5821, ext. 3, or emailing Julie at Julie.brown@il.nacdnet.net.