Letter: Instances of voting irregularities

keyboard, letter to the editor

To the Editor:

When people in this area want to profess there was no election fraud, “the cleanest election ever” in 2020, I just have to laugh. Since I moved here some 46 years ago, the subject of election fraud has been treated as a joke. You know the sayings like: “vote early – vote often” or comments about the dead continuing to vote. A friend of mine told me the story of when he was on an intrastate flight back to Chicago. A fellow passenger sitting next to him told my friend that he was the guy who stuffed the ballot box with 5,000 votes in Chicago that was pivotal in getting John F. Kennedy elected. My point is that election fraud appears to be an accepted fact in this area.

The naysayers will note that election fraud has not been proven. Of course, it can’t be proven until legislatures and courts decide to act on the voluminous evidence pointing to election fraud, particularly in the swing states. Over 1,000 citizens swore under oath about some irregularities. One example is the truck driver who reports driving a semitruckload of ballots from New York to a location in Pennsylvania. You may have seen some of the video of Democrat poll workers doing things after chasing the Republican poll workers out of the area. There are examples of election laws being violated by a governor or attorney general in the name of COVID without the involvement of the respective legislatures. Major corporations made what appear to be illegal monetary contributions.

There is no doubt that there were numerous instances of voting irregularities in the 2020 election. As more and more legislators and some judges decide to do what they are supposed to do – react to the facts, not the hype – it will become obvious to the most obstinate naysayer that there was indeed voter fraud.

We can’t have legitimate representation of the people if we don’t have clean elections. At this point in time, many people do not feel that their representatives are standing up for them.

Rod Beary
