Letter: Just a thought ... about being too busy

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Many people use the worn-out excuse that they were so busy, tied up or being involved and were unable to return a call or a text to acknowledge a contact.

Whether from a family member or a valued friend or a person of meaning that called or sent a message, a short acknowledgement is better than none. Some people think using the “busy” excuse will eliminate them from seeming inconsiderate or uncaring and is acceptable and believable. However, it is questionable and can affect the caller’s feelings by silently saying that the caller is not a priority of things to attend to and placing a response to the caller’s message on a back burner. All unanswered calls are directed to leave a message or they choose to just hang up and call back.

Being too busy is a poppycock excuse and a cop-out. If a sickness or sudden emergency prevents a nonresponse, that would be acceptable, wouldn’t it?

Could it be better to admit that forgetfulness to return the call was due to being caught up in the details? Wouldn’t that be more specific and not indicate that the caller isn’t a priority? Forgetfulness is a valid reason due to human nature and is believable without positioning the importance of the caller’s contact on a waiting list.

There are always five minutes or so available in a 24-hour day to not be busy, right? Do check your messages.

Linda Alexandra
