Letter: Just a thought ... about karma

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Do you believe in karma? Some people truly believe that what “goes around, comes around.” Karma defines the cycle of cause and effect and covers punishment and reward. All people are said to be responsible for their own life and how they treat others will create their karma. Karma might be thought of as a report card of one’s actions on Earth. People talk about good energy and bad energy. Good energy is kind and helpful and bad energy is mean and hurtful.

It’s been stated that when you offer assistance to a person in need, a positive imprint is left. If you cause an injustice to someone or an animal or a place by any improper action, a negative imprint is left. Thinking that there is never a good way to do a bad thing can be a helpful entryway of understanding karma.

Karma began in ancient India and often is talked about and shows up in many lives. Anyone who does good will receive good. Anyone who does bad will receive bad.

Do you believe in karma? Have you experienced rewards generated from good karma? Have you or anyone you know experienced the adversity from bad karma or good karma?

Maybe some people do not believe or have even heard of karma. There are statements that karma follows us throughout our living days. Does saying “have a good day” spread good karma? What about saying “get lost”?

Linda Alexandra
