Letter: Just a thought ... about a grocery shopper’s diary?

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Keeping a diary and recording our grocery shopping experiences could be a fun idea. The diary would be a private place to vent and record all the pleasant and irritating experiences when being mixed in with other food shoppers. Entering a grocery store and shopping at our own risk can offer benefits such as getting products on sale and possibly meeting a new love interest or just having small talk with another friendly shopper.

Some of the cart riders and pushers imitate road hogs by hogging the narrow grocery store aisles resembling a one-way narrow street. Some shopping cart pushers and riders can be mannerly and extend courtesy to other oncoming carts. The written diary pages would provide a perfect place to vent and record the sometimes bizarre behaviors and personalities of the odd shoppers that are commingled with the happy-go-lucky shoppers who practice courtesy at all times. Considerate shoppers will allow anyone with fewer items to go before them at checkout, while others are less gracious.

In order to avoid saying “excuse me” to an aisle hog, an attached subtle-sounding cart horn would eliminate asking someone to politely get going. The low, soft beep-beep would either politely get the point across to move out of the way or cause anger and physical contact.

Would the diary be something interesting to read? To beep or not to beep, that is the question.

Linda Alexandra
