ZCenter offers ways you can help survivors of sexual abuse

Organization seeks volunteers, sponsors, donations to further its work in community

GURNEE – Have you been interested in volunteering and making a meaningful impact? Here is how you can get involved with ZCenter and support survivors of sexual abuse.


Throughout the year, Zacharias Sexual Abuse Center provides several 40-hour Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention trainings to prepare new volunteers to work with survivors in the community. There are several ways volunteers can help, including taking medical advocacy and support line calls, legal advocacy, preparing for special events, prevention education presentations, community tablings and more. Volunteers help provide information and emotional support. ZCenter always is seeking volunteers to help battle sexual violence and support survivors. Contact Emily Cadwell at ecadwell@zcenter.org.

In-service training

ZCenter would love to highlight your work in the community, learn about your agency and explore how you and ZCenter can work together. Contact ZCenter if you are interested in presenting about your organization and services so ZCenter can better support survivors. The center always welcomes new partnerships and learning opportunities to help it better serve its clients. ZCenter offers training to staff, parents and other agencies.


ZCenter has launched an annual sponsorship opportunity with several tiers. If you or your organization would like to become an annual sponsor to support ZCenter, contact Katrina Volkers, the director of development, at kvolkers@zcenter.org for more information. A sponsorship supports general programming, directly providing services to survivors of all ages.


It is because of people who donate that ZCenter can continue providing vital community and mental health services at no cost. Whether you would like to become a Survivor Superhero and donate monthly or give one time, you can bring light to a survivor’s life. Visit the center’s website, www.zcenter.org, to make a contribution.

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