Lake County Sheriff’s Office joins St. Patrick’s Day traffic effort

Deputies to be on lookout for impaired drivers during stepped-up enforcement period

WAUKEGAN – To remind motorists of the dangers of impaired driving and to help keep streets safe, the Lake County Sheriff’s Office has teamed up with the Illinois State Police and Illinois Department of Transportation for a traffic safety campaign through March 19.

St. Patrick’s Day can be a dangerous day on America’s roads because of increased alcohol consumption and drunken driving. There were 272 lives lost in impaired-driving crashes over the St. Patrick’s Day holiday between 2017 and 2021.

In addition to looking for alcohol- and drug-impaired drivers, sheriff’s deputies will be stepping up seat belt enforcement, particularly at night when seat belt use rates are lowest. Speeding, distracted driving and all traffic laws will be strictly enforced.

Whether you’re attending a party, hosting friends or going out to a bar, keep safety at the forefront. When it’s time to leave, make sure your designated driver is sober. Remember that walking impaired also can be dangerous, so designate a sober friend to walk home with you. Designated drivers should be alert for impaired walkers who may not obey street signs.

Other important tips:

• Drunk or high, it doesn’t matter. It is never OK to drive impaired. Designate a sober driver or plan to use public transportation or a ride service to get home safely.

• If you see an impaired driver on the road, contact law enforcement.

• Always buckle up.

The St. Patrick’s Day enforcement campaign is funded by federal traffic safety funds from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and administered by IDOT.

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