Police: Mundelein area teen shoots self in leg

Boy, 17, at first had told Lake County Sheriff’s deputies he had been victim of shooting

Police car

MUNDELEIN – A 17-year-old Mundelein area boy is recovering from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to a leg, although he told police he had been the victim of a shooting.

About 2:50 p.m. April 6, Lake County Sheriff’s deputies responded to an address on West Rose Avenue near Mundelein for a report of a 17-year-old who had been shot, according to a news release.

Deputies found the boy, who had a gunshot wound to his left leg. The boy told police he had standing outside with two friends when a vehicle approached and someone inside the car shot at them.

Further investigation by sheriff’s deputies determined the boy was in possession of a firearm and accidentally shot himself in the leg. No one had shot at the boy and his friends and his friends had left the area after the incident, according to the release.

Deputies found two firearms that were discarded near a dumpster, police said.

The boy was taken to an area hospital for treatment of his injury, which was not life-threatening.

The incident remains under investigation and criminal charges are possible.

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