Letter: Just a thought ... about the law of attraction

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

The law of attraction has been written about, studied and also practiced. According to metaphysics, it has claimed that attitude can attract situations to match attitude.

Does like attract like? Like is known to do that. People have won money, advanced their careers, healed from illness, been relieved of their debts and found the love of their life simply by practicing this methodology.

The law of attraction has been referred to as pseudoscience. The law is ancient, well-known to many people and began moons ago.

Supposedly, consistent creative visualization and the constant belief of bringing about a situation will bring about what you desire if you use it repeatedly. The universe will find a path and perform all the work to bring about results. It also can produce what you do or do not want. This law jumps into action to replace lack with abundance. It’s been written that our inner world can come into reality. Could you believe that? People have practiced the law of attraction and shared their outcomes in books and on podcasts.

The law also can bring about what one does not want just by expecting negative outcomes. Do not think negative. Getting what you want is easier than you think. When you can feel it, it will come to you effortlessly. This practice is available to all. Detach yourself from doubt and manifest your desires. Read about it. Research it!

Linda Alexandra
