Letter: Just a thought about ... making decisions

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

All people are not certain how to go about making a decision. Some people have to struggle and even will ask friends for advice. The big concern to some is if it will be the right or wrong decision. Others can make quick decisions and move forward.

Outcomes are the biggest concern to many. There are people who purposely avoid making a decision by simply flipping a coin, leaving it up to fate. The coin flippers’ way of choosing is to believe that it’s easier to rely on letting destiny pick the path, which might somehow show that it was meant to be and takes the responsibility off the decision-maker.

Some people believe wholeheartedly that everyone makes their own way by using logic and common sense in deciding what to do. There also exists the “draw a line down the middle of the paper” technique, which lists the pros and cons, but if they come out equal, then one has to make another decision as to which works best. Folding a few pieces of paper with written choices and then dropping them into a hat to reach in and pull one out provides another way of not having to make a decision.

Everyone has their own way of coming to decisions.

Do you have a way of making a decision?

“To be or not to be.” Which would you decide on?

Linda Alexandra
