Sheriff’s marine unit rescues 2 teens on Lake Michigan

Lake Bluff girl, Wauconda boy were paddle boarding when they ran into trouble

The new Marine Unit watercraft named in memory of fallen Deputy Gary D. Murphy.

WAUKEGAN – Within a week of announcing the resumption of Lake Michigan patrols, the Lake County Sheriff’s Office Marine Unit saved the lives of two teen paddleboarders who went adrift.

About 1:30 p.m. June 19, the Sheriff’s Marine Unit Lake Michigan watercraft was on patrol about one mile from the Lake Bluff shoreline when deputies observed two 16-year-olds, a girl from Lake Bluff and a boy from Wauconda, paddleboarding and floating outward toward the center of Lake Michigan, according to a news release. The teens were not able to overcome the wind and lake current, which continued to pull them away from the shoreline.

The teens were not wearing life vests and did not have their phones or any other type of communication or emergency devices, according to the release. Marine unit deputies pulled them from the lake and also were able to retrieve their paddleboards.

The teens were uninjured and safely reunited with family at the Lake Forest Marina.

“This is what the sheriff’s Lake Michigan patrol boat is all about – saving lives,” Lake County Sheriff John Idleburg said in the release. “I am so grateful we were able to replace our previous Lake Michigan boat that was retired in 2018. This allowed our marine unit deputies to save two young lives within a week of resuming patrols.”

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