Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office, Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center announce new support dog

Labrador retriever Linden to provide comfort to children during the investigative process

Lake County State's Attorney Eric Rinehart, LCCAC’s Education and Outreach Specialist Carrie Wings and Duo Dog Linden

WAUKEGAN – The Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center and the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office announced Duo Dog Linden is the newest member of the team.

Linden primarily will serve as comfort and support to children during the investigative process.

Linden is a 2-year-old Labrador retriever that was trained and donated by Duo Dogs Inc., a national nonprofit organization that trains and connects dogs with people to cultivate positive change.

Linden has been assigned to the LCCAC and will be there until he turns 10 years old. He has been partnered with handler Carrie Wings, the LCCAC’s education and outreach specialist.

A comfort dog, Linden will accompany children throughout the forensic interview process.

“Linden is wonderful,” Lake County State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart said in a news release. “The most important thing is that we provide children with every comfort possible to help them while also making sure that our investigations are accurate and effective. As a father of two and a dog owner myself, I have seen firsthand how important dogs can be in the lives of children.”

“I am pleased to welcome Linden to the Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center and our community,” Wings said in the release. “He has quickly become a member of our team and is already affecting those around him. Linden is a sweet and gentle boy. I am grateful that Linden was chosen for us and that he is here to help children through a difficult and trying time while providing comfort and ease. I look forward to seeing all the work he will do to make a difference in the life of a child and I could not be more honored than to be a part of his journey.”

Linden is the third dog that Duo Dogs has donated to the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office. The first dog, Mitchell, was assigned to the LCCAC before Linden and retired in July 2023. Hitch, the second Duo Dog, retired last month.

LCCAC Executive Director Carrie Flanigan emphasized the important role dogs such as Linden play when it comes to engaging the community and alleviating the trauma associated with crimes against children.

“We are thrilled to welcome Linden as part of the LCCAC team,” Flanigan said in the release. “We have missed having Mitchell on-site and we are excited to have already seen the difference Linden will make not only with the children he will assist, but also the team. These dogs make a tremendous difference in helping to regulate the emotions and fear associated with trauma. Linden will provide a much-needed calming effect to the families who walk through our doors.”

The LCCAC’s mission is to provide a safe environment for child victims of sexual and physical abuse. The goal of the center is to investigate and help successfully prosecute these offenders without further trauma to the child.

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