Letter: Just a thought ... about frugal or cheap

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Do you consider yourself frugal or cheap? There are people who will spend plenty of money to get what they want. Many people feel money is no object, yet many are financially limited.

Tightwads are stingy and have been referred to as miserly. A frugal person may wait until a product goes on sale to stock up. A frugal person knows that spending less money always will give them extra money to have for the next bargain.

There are cheap shoppers who buy day-old bread or slightly damaged items to gain top savings. Some miserly folks actually will shop in outside trash cans for items they feel are OK to eat or use. Some poor folks will do the same thing when in need, but they are not being miserly and would pay if they had enough money.

Certain cheapskates have walked into food pantries and taken food they could afford to pay for. Plenty of cheapskates enjoy hoarding their money, but they wouldn’t go into a food pantry to take food that they didn’t qualify for.

A miserly man was once in line ordering a hot dog and he refused to pay a pittance more for a melted cheese topping. When the man opened his wallet at the register, the two cashiers saw a stack of hundred dollar bills peeping up at them.

If you have the money, order the melted cheese topping.

Linda Alexandra
