Letter: Just a thought ... about worry warts and nervous Nellies

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

These two types of people sit in the same boat. They are handwringers and pacers, and usually fret over whatever they deem to be necessary. Usually nothing severe ever happens. However, their habit follows them like their shadow.

When having to make a speech, many worry warts feel anxious and may have to practice repeatedly beforehand. Some will sweat profusely and may even tremble a little.

Simply by trying to realize that there’s a huge chance that nothing negative will come to pass, only some nervous Nellies have been able to calm down and shift their focus. Worry warts finish worrying as soon as time has shown that all went well. However, it will not take long before there appears another cause coming to begin a brand-new worry.

When an act or habit becomes obsessive, it is best to seek professional guidance. Many people turn to self-help books that can be successful in instructing the worriers on how to dispose of the negative habits by trading them for thoughts of positive conclusions to any situation at hand.

Would you agree that the anxiety of worry takes a toll on one’s spirit and peace of mind? Being concerned is much easier than being saturated with worry, isn’t it? Doesn’t worry show on a person’s face? Could the frowns from worrying cause wrinkles or dent son the face?

Leave worries on a doorstep ... where no one lives.

Linda Alexandra
