Letter: Just a thought ... about fibbing

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Could fibbing be more acceptable than lying? Maybe it’s not revealing the truth. Fibs can feel like lies that are covered in sugar. Fibbing is a mild word that is still a lie regardless of how you look at it.

When a person asks their friend if they look good in their new dress, yet it’s much too tight, being told yes when the dress looks too small is definitely a lie. Would you agree that telling a fib to save face or to avoid the possibility of hurting someone’s feelings is dishonest and is a downright lie?

Sometimes children will fib by saying that they did wash their hands in order for them to look obedient. If their hands appear dirty, that’s when the fib should be immediately addressed; otherwise, as the child grows, their little fibs will eventually turn into big fibs and lying becomes a way of life for them.

Many people will say they were “just kidding” following their insult. Do people think they are spared from appearing to be rude by trying to lean on playfulness to cover up their lie? How would you feel if someone teases you and them immediately utters those “just kidding” words?

Lying to children just to get them to go to sleep is not a good practice. Explaining that their sleep is necessary to stay well and have energy to play is the truth. The truth will set us free!

Linda Alexandra
