Letter: Just a thought ... about self-growth

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Would you agree that some people will not experience self-growth? Isn’t it true that plenty of people stay the same and eventually will precipitate a narrowing of their thoughts, reasoning and ways of doing things that follow them throughout their life? Those same thought patterns are habitual behaviors stamped into their minds and no deviation ever will take place.

Without self-growth, they become squeezed tightly into the habit of repeating actions, which stifles and binds them to old ways without allowing the possibility of better choices and outcomes.

Digging into the meaning of self-growth can be defined differently for various types of individuals.

How much is enough for anyone to grow? Certainly one person may only grow in some aspects and not in every way possible.

Some growth patterns are developing better listening skills and the tolerance to understand that everyone has their own way of doing things. Practicing patience is not that easy for some hurried people. Not angrily blowing a horn behind a slow driver and not getting angry standing in a long line in a retail store takes self-discipline to be patient while coming to terms with an open mind. That is part of self-growth and can open doors to better outcomes. Making a decision to look at situations logically is a small step in self-growth.

A person’s body can stop growing, but there is no limit to self-growth.

Get growing!

Linda Alexandra
