Daily travel survey underway this fall in Lake County

CMAP effort to give transportation planners better idea of needs of residents

WAUKEGAN – The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning is launching a major survey called My Daily Travel this fall to better understand the travel needs of residents in northeastern Illinois, including Lake County.

The agency soon will start mailing out invitations to a number of Lake County households to request participation.

As travel behaviors change and technologies evolve over the next few years, transportation planners will use the results of the survey to guide future transportation investments and prioritize improvements for a more efficient transportation system.

At least 4,000 households in northeastern Illinois are expected to participate in the survey over the next year. Households will receive an invitation by U.S. mail to participate in the survey and are strongly encouraged to complete the survey to help northeastern Illinois plan for a transportation system that meets their needs.

If you’ve received an invitation to participate in the My Daily Travel Survey, visit MyDailyTravelSurvey.com to learn more and complete the survey.

Participants who complete the survey will receive a gift card.

Shaw Local News Network

Shaw Local News Network

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