Letter: Never get flu shots; keep control

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

This is in response to Aaron Weiner, PhD, writing in last week’s “It’s Your Write” published Jan 2, 2025.

Aaron tries to sound like a Big Pharma commercial and almost a bit fear-mongering the readers to “reclaim control ...” by subjecting their bodies to experimental injections that masquerade as what used to be called “vaccines” until the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) changed the definition of them a few years ago.

I’m in my late 50s and have never had a flu vaccine nor will I ever. I choose to take and keep control of my health by building my God-given immune system up and even supplementing during winter. For example, I have taken 10,000 IU daily of vitamin D3 since November and use probiotics and a few others. (I’m not a doctor and this is not medical advice).

There are many very inexpensive and non-life-threatening ways to prevent the flu than taking an experimental injection into one’s bloodstream that has side effects that include death.

Yes, you read that right. More people have died from vaccines within the last five years than previous decades up to 1986. That’s a fact the VARES (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) reports (our government) state.

If you want peace of mind as Aaron suggests, then I suggest staying clear of injecting chemicals into your body.

Did you know that (Dr. Anthony) Fauci and some of his CDC friends make money on vaccines' patents? Think this over very carefully. If we’ve learned anything from the lockdown, question things appropriately and find safe, proven, less toxic choices.

Carl Zegan
