Two charged after fighting with deputies

Police: Round Lake Beach man tried to avoid traffic stop in Grayslake

police car

GRAYSLAKE -- A man and woman have been charged with resisting arrest after they fought with Lake County Sheriff’s deputies who pulled their vehicle over, police said.

About 2 a.m. March 8, a Lake County Sheriff’s deputy was patrolling in the area of Washington Street and Lancer Lane in Grayslake when he observed a vehicle driving without its headlights on.

The deputy turned around to initiate a traffic stop, but the driver—later identified as Swayne Carranza, 38, of the 1500 block of Kenmore Avenue, Round Lake Beach—accelerated to 80 mph in a 45-mph zone.

The deputy was able to catch up to the vehicle as it pulled into a driveway in the 1100 block of Cambridge Drive, Grayslake, where the traffic stop was conducted.

Upon stopping, Carranza immediately exited the vehicle in an aggressive manner and refused to comply with the deputy’s instructions, according to a news release. He was informed he was being placed under arrest, and when deputies tried to place him in custody, he resisted and pulled away. A deputy deployed a taser (conducted electrical weapon), successfully subduing Carranza and took him into custody.

As deputies were engaged with Carranza, the passenger, Maria Lara, 32, of the 1100 block of Cambridge Drive, Grayslake, exited the vehicle and began interfering with the arrest. Police say she kicked one of deputies and resisted their efforts to take her into custody. Deputies were able to subdue Lara and placed her under arrest.

Lara has been charged with aggravated battery to a peace officer, resisting arrest, obstructing a peace officer and open transportation of alcohol.

Carranza has been charged with resisting arrest, obstructing a peace officer, aggravated speeding and multiple traffic offenses.

Carranza was processed at the jail and released on pretrial release. Lara was being held at the jail pending First Appearance Court.

The Lake County Sheriff’s Office thanks the Grayslake Police Department who responded to assist.

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