Fox Lake troop honors its newest Eagle Scout

Michael Conkrite improved sledding area for kids

Family, friends, fellow guests and fellow Scouts from Troop 85 were on hand on Feb. 16 for an Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Eagle Scout Michael Cronkrite. Conkrite (right) is shown with Bruce Johnson, TriCounty Leathernecks Detachment 1395.

FOX LAKE – Family, friends, guests and fellow Scouts from Troop 85 were on hand Feb. 16 for an Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Eagle Scout Michael Cronkrite.

To attain the rank of an Eagle Scout, a Scout is required to perform a project. Cronkrite selected to improve a rundown snow sledding area for kids. The area had an incline ramp from the basin to the top of the sledding hill that was in bad shape and needed to be repaired completely.

Eagle Scout Michael Cronkrite selected to improve a rundown snow sledding area for kids. The area had an incline ramp from the basin to the top of the sledding hill that was in bad shape and needed to be repaired completely.

Cronkrite created a plan of what he was going to do, presented it to his leaders and the local community board, and once approved, he went to work with the support and guidance of his Scout leaders and fellow Scouts.

He rebuilt the sled ramp by replacing worn poles and broken boards. He refinished the ramp and platform plus filled in the holes on the hill to prevent injuries and erosion from snow and water drainage. He extended the sled ramp to prevent further erosion.

While working to become an Eagle Scout, Cronkrite said he found himself reflecting on his past adventures and experiences. Through scouting, he said he learned how to be a leader.

As an older Scout in his troop, Cronkrite used the leadership skills he had learned over the years to take on more responsibilities in the troop.

Scouting also taught him salesmanship. He has sold wreaths, popcorn, meat sticks and chocolate, which funded many events during his scouting career.

Eagle Scout Michael Cronkrite selected to improve a rundown snow sledding area for kids. The area had an incline ramp from the basin to the top of the sledding hill that was in bad shape and needed to be repaired completely.

Scouting has given him the confidence to speak in public and he is able to get in front of leaders and have conversations without being afraid. Cronkrite will be able to use these skills the rest of his life.

Cronkrite is a football player, wrestler and plays lacrosse. He hopes to continue playing sports in college. He plans on taking courses in engineering in college and hopes to find a career within the engineering field.

Cronkrite said he is very thankful for all that he has learned in scouting and is blessed for the mentors he has had along the way.

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