Letter: House Bill 2891 and the hidden murder rate

Keyboard - letter to the editor

To the Editor:

House Bill 2891, the Zingher, Feitler, Cleary Act, now is officially as dead as Dana Feitler and Natasha Cleary and Cleary’s two young sons. When Feitler was murdered, Chicago Police officially recommended tracking forced ATM withdrawals to help solve these cases.

What most people don’t know is that crime statutes like HB2891 are an important investigative tool for solving cases and tracking crimes. And crime statutes are cost free. So who would block such a law? Who has an interest in keeping the number of murders like Feitler and Cleary from the pubic? If you’re the head of Bank of America, Chase, Citicorp, etc., how many dead customers do you want your living customers to find out about?

And now you know who runs your state and country.

Joe Zingher

Vernon Hills