OAKtober native tree, shrub sale planned

Lake County Forest Preserves event to take place at Ryerson Conservation Area

The Lake County Forest Preserves encourages homeowners to plant native trees and shrubs.

LIBERTYVILLE – The Lake County Forest Preserves is holding its popular OAKtober Native Tree & Shrub Sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 1 at Ryerson Conservation Area in Riverwoods.

“Fall is the best time to plant trees and shrubs,” Director of Education Nan Buckardt said in a news release.

Plant metabolism is slowing and this lessens the stress for the newly planted tree.

“Choose your favorite plants from our extensive planting list that includes oak, hickory, hawthorns, dogwood, hazelnut and more,” Buckhardt said. “The OAKtober woody plant sale offers native tree and shrub species with genetics adapted for our region.”

Native plants naturally thrive in Lake County’s soil and weather, requiring less time, effort and expense to maintain. They also play a critical role in increasing biodiversity – the variety of species living in a particular habitat. These indigenous plants help by providing food and homes to native birds, butterflies and other wildlife.

Because of their variety, low maintenance and environmental benefits, native plants have become increasingly popular among professional landscapers and gardeners in recent years.

”As part of our 100-Year Vision and Strategic Plan, we want to engage local residents as conservation partners to enhance the landscape and blur our boundaries,” said Angelo Kyle, president of the Lake County Forest Preserves. “Gardens with native plants provide an important bridge between residential and nearby natural areas. What you do on your own property can make a big difference.”

“As in previous years, the net profits support our educational programming,” Buckardt said.

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