Letter: Just a thought ... about quicksand

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

What do you know about quicksand? Quicksand is dangerous and it can take your life especially if you fall in headfirst. Falling in headfirst will cause you to drown.

Here are some tips about what to do if you fall into quicksand.

You must not panic. You can try moving your feet slowly, try to reach for a branch to pull onto it as it will help to reduce your weight. Keeping a charged cellphone with you in unknown territories will assist you in calling for help, especially if nobody is in close proximity to you. Your charged cellphone now becomes your best friend.

Remember, you can be rescued. Stay calm. If standing upright, you will only sink in up to your waist.

When walking along the coast, a river or desert, be aware of your surroundings and look down at all times. When walking with a pet, keep the pet leashed and close to you.

Quicksand is found all over the Earth. Death in quicksand can come by suffocation, dehydration or by predators just waiting to devour you. Quicksand can accompany earthquakes and has engulfed people and buildings. Quicksand is a powerful water, sand and silt combination.

These are some measures you can take in case you fall victim to quicksand. Knowledge plus your cellphone can save your life.

Do you travel? Have you ever been known to be near quicksand?

Do watch where you walk.

Linda Alexandra
